
The art of celebrating simplicity

Posted by Heidi Uy

There is no beauty compared to living  in the present moment. It is often in the most simple things that we find true happiness like enjoying the scent of the trees and flowers, walking here and there (in the four corners of your home), gazing at the clouds in ever changing variety of its form, cloud spotting should I say and watching the sun goes down, the stars come out. I know for sure these things can make you blissful.


Simplicity is subjective. It means different things to different people. To me it is the way to bring out the beauty in the most ordinary scenes. It is bringing out the best and the truth from a subject while only showing what is essential, focusing the time and energy on the things that matter the most. We miss out on this far too often because we are so preoccupied with our things and our thoughts. When you simplify, you are left with a life filled with meaning, a life that is lived on your own terms. You have the time to pursue your interests and to create the life you truly desire.


What have you noticed lately in your life now you are locked in? Your appearance? How lovely we can follow our own conscience, without concern for appearance. There is more than just stripping down our makeup or wearing plainer clothing. The chance to expose our naked beauty for the person that we are, without the makeup, the wild outfits or accessories. It is an intimate beauty compared to extravagant looks.

How about the gift of time?  It can be hard to learn to relax when you’re used to running around trying to get everything done. But free time is a gift that only a few truly appreciate. Now we learn to spend our resources on experiences that fuel our soul and bring happiness and meaning to our life.

What have you done to improve your finances? This is one of the greatest benefits of simple living while we are locked in. We purchase items we only need and tend to focus on what is necessary.  We are able to build a budget and stick to it faithfully. If we are spending less, our finances are bound to be on a more secure footing. Remember, a complex life with a lot of expenses has made plenty of people miserable.

How about your health? Now we are back to basic. We focus on our health and watch carefully what we put inside our bodies. We eat healthy food, no to junk food because there is limited delivery during lockdown. How’s that? 

There is always a reason to celebrate the beauty in simplicity during locked down and while we are locked in. We have time to reflect and be grateful for what we already have. Making time to practice gratitude, appreciate the small joys in life, and find enjoyment in the present moment unlocks an incredible and abundant well of happiness in our life. 


P.S.Happy Anniversary to my wonderful parents who taught me these valuable life lessons. You have  prepared us (me and my siblings) against uncertainties in life. Thank you for the gift of love and life.





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