Events, Foodie

C is for Cookie: Celebrate National Cookie Day

Posted by Heidi Uy

“C” is for Cookie that’s good enough for me, “C” is for Cookie that’s good enough for me, “C” is for Cookie that’s good enough for me, Oh! Cookie, Cookie, Cookie starts with “C”. Can you relate to that song? All of us do. Otherwise, you don’t have childhood.  Today is National Cookie Day and it is actually my day, yeah, in some point.

Trivia: Yes, I am COOKIE to my family and close friends and technically, a Cookie Monster. I do love sweets, and  I considered “cookies” as one of my comfort foods. Also, my birthday day falls on the 4th of October and National Cookie day happens to be on the 4th of December. “4th day” Synchronism? It could be.

From the web, the cookie was invented in the days before thermostats, as a test to see if primitive ovens were the right temperature to bake cakes. Rather than ruin an entire cake, a “little cake,” or cookie, was tested first. At the time, no one thought the “test cake” would become a treat with charms of its own.

There are different kinds of cookies to choose from. Here are some of  my “can’t get enough of you” cookie list. And the rest are always a “Cookie” to me no matter what.

1. chocolate chips ( as expected, my #1)

2. bar cookies (brownies and lemon bars)

3. mallomars

4. black & white

5. berger cookies

6. madelines

7. macaroons

8. tagalongs or peanut butter cookies

9. butter cookies

10. Oatmeal raisin


How about you? Are you a cookie monster or just simply a cookie lover? Just enjoy every bite. Happy Cookie Day!




(featured cookie monster photo from the web)





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